Welcome to Katy Jobbins Masterclass
ey you, hello and welcome. I have created the Katy Jobbins Masterclass for anyone in the permanent makeup industry, that like myself may have struggled with the basics and gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle.
In the early days, I found performing the treatments not at all as easy as it looked on the YouTube videos. Watching the experts easily create beautiful brows online I had been led into a false sense of security that this was going to be a doddle. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. I struggled with colour retention and therefore really lost my confidence in marketing myself any greater. And of the clients, I did manage to get, I really didn’t get that many referrals or clients re-booking in for the next treatment and the next.
I’ve since figured all that out and have been running my dream permanent makeup business and over the last decade I have also been helping hundreds of others do the same.
This masterclass will enable anyone who hasn’t trained with me, to learn the secrets of my success. It doesn’t matter where you are right now … I’ll meet you exactly where you’re at and build with you.

Whether you’re brand new to the permanent makeup industry, an expert already and hungry for more, or you’re on the verge of giving up because you were in a large group training format and didn’t get the attention you needed to feel confident.
ll you have to do is genuinely believe that success is possible for you, and be willing to learn from someone who has been in your shoes and created the life and business of their dreams.
If you become a masterclass member, I’ll firstly help you de-clutter your mind and simplify your entire process, enough so that you feel very confident to do things your way. I’ll help you correct your technical mistakes before they become bad habits.
The mistakes that most people pick up on forums and YouTube videos that quickly turn into nightmares.

ve spent the last 10 year creating … shortcuts, hacks, blueprints, through trial and error I have systemised and streamlined the most difficult technical treatments so that you’ll get the same beautiful, natural results as myself and hundreds of my students day after day. Client after client.
I’ll share with you my 3 pillars of permanent success and we’ll build up from there. This will provide you with the solid foundation to creating your dream permanent makeup business.
In the masterclass I’ll reveal to you the reasons why some technicians become so incredibly successful & some don’t … It’s because they do things differently.
I must admit that while I have laboured at my trusty laptop for hundreds (even thousands) of hours to produce the contents contained in this masterclass, what I am about to reveal to you inside of this masterclass was discovered not by me alone.
After all, for me to be in this privileged position to share all of these incredible insights with you, I first had to travel around the world and spend a small fortune in order to learn from the best.

have spent hundreds of hours traveling to Thai land, Malaysia, Singapore, New York and all over the UK.
Over the last decade our team of experts have pooled their expertise have combined their talents and taken great pains to simplify your entire learning process so that you can build the business you’ve always dreamed of and know that you can achieve.
It’s never been easier or more possible for you to join the ranks of a very select group of highly skilled, confident and successful technicians. I’ve been exactly where you are right now and had incredible success.
It didn’t come natural to me, I too have done the work, I’ve put in the hours and I’ve done what every great student does… I have vigorously studied, I have practiced, I have read the books, I’ve listened to the audios and watched the videos and then:
I implemented what I learnt from the experts. I have tested and measured the success of every student I have ever trained and mentored over the last 10+ years.
Through this, I have developed a tool kit of practical steps that any artist, wanting to gain more confidence in their technique and create their dream permanent makeup business can use.
These tips and secrets have come from the most incredible permanent makeup trainers, from my wonderful students, from business leaders and even the most inspirational philosophers I could have ever hoped to have met.
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Try Before You Buy – FREE Mini Masterclass Bundle
A gift from multi-award winning industry expert Katy Jobbins x

very one of them has, without realising it, had the most profound and transformative impact on my life. I’m eternally grateful to them for revealing their knowledge and secrets and I’d like to pay it forward to anybody who wants to achieve success in this industry.
My highest intention with Katy Jobbins masterclass is to empower you with a step-by-step, proven system for gaining technical confidence, creating an incredible customer experience, delivering you endless permanent makeup recommendations.
Yes more permanent makeup clients than you’ll ever need. Before you decide whether it’s for you, try a few of my master classes and see what you think.
But before you dive in, I just need to make one very important point.
I have to tell you that it’s not a perfectly polished product. When I write and when I talk in my masterclass videos, I have a down to earth, pull no punches, straight forward approach. I don’t have a PhD in English, so if you are looking for perfect prose – then you’ll find this a nightmare.
But if you’re looking for rock solid information that can make your clients line up and practically beg you for permanent makeup appointments… then you have come to the exact right place. Enjoy xxx
Your FREE Gift Includes …
• Katy Jobbins Permanent Makeup Emotional Branding Video
• Myths, Lies & Product Ties Mini Masterclass Blog
• Bring Your Unique Vision To Life Mini Masterclass Blog
• 28 Expert Tips To Become A Permanent Makeup Client Magnet Through Referrals
I’m Giving Access To These Two Free Blogs From The Masterclass

I’m Giving Access You Free Access To My Emotional Branding Masterclass Video
I’m Giving Access You Free Access To My eBook On How To Become A Client Magnet Through Referrals

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Try Before You Buy – FREE Mini Masterclass Bundle
A gift from multi-award winning industry expert Katy Jobbins x
If you like the information contained in this free give away then become a member of the Katy Jobbins Masterclass and learn everything you need to become an expert in the Permanent Makeup Industry and attract your dream clients.
If you liked your free blogs when you become a member you will also get access to …

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A gift from multi-award winning industry expert Katy Jobbins x
If you liked your free Video when you become a member you will also get access to …

If you liked your free eBook when you become a member you will also get access to …

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Try Before You Buy – FREE Mini Masterclass Bundle
A gift from multi-award winning industry expert Katy Jobbins x
But that’s not all. When you become a member you’ll also get …
But that’s not all. When you become a member you’ll also get …

But that’s not all. When you become a member you’ll also get …

But that’s not all. When you become a member you’ll also get …

But that’s not all. When you become a member you’ll also get …

To me business is a very personal thing. I left home at 16 and I quickly learnt that business and creating success is ‘the great neutraliser’…If you’ve not had a great life, you can change your life by starting a business and making it everything you ever wanted. And I think that what I know today, that I didn’t know earlier on in life, is that there are going to be different characters, different things that go bad, but you can either use that energy to get upset, or use it as a fuel, give it a meaning and use it as a driver to propel you forward and create a life for yourself and your family that so many could have only ever dreamed of.
I wanted to prove that if a girl like me could become successful then absolutely anyone could do it, with the right tools, the right mentor, and that feeling deep down in the pit of your stomach that you’re capable of amazing things.
Now the rest of my life is dedicated to helping others do the same… it’s my way of giving back for what I have. I’m all about one person helping another at every possible opportunity.
Empowering people is my game. It’s that simple to me, and it might not change the world, but it could change your world.
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Try Before You Buy – FREE Mini Masterclass Bundle
A gift from multi-award winning industry expert Katy Jobbins x